Üben - Roman Numbers
by admaDIC / Rainer Schwarze
Link to App Store page: Üben - Roman Numbers ( http://itunes.apple.com/app/id1544999984 )
"Üben Roman Numbers" lets you practice roman numbers.
The app is designed to be as simple as possible. This is great for children as it is super easy to use. The app generates a random task with a roman number shown. Enter the decimal number and the app shows, whether it was correct or not. When a task is answered, the app records whether the answer was correct or not.
For support please send an e-mail to support@admadic.com .
Üben - Conversion
by admaDIC / Rainer Schwarze
Link to App Store page: Üben - Conversion ( http://itunes.apple.com/app/id1061481156 )
"Üben Multiplication" lets you practice basic conversion of units.
The app is designed to be as simple as possible. This is great for children as it is super easy to use. The app generates a task with a random length or weight and a target unit - for instance "1.5 km -> m". Enter the value for the target unit and the app shows, whether it was correct or not. If it was not, the correct value is shown.
For support please send an e-mail to support@admadic.com .
Üben - Multiplication - 1x1 - Times Tables
by admaDIC / Rainer Schwarze
Link to App Store page: Üben - Multiplication ( http://itunes.apple.com/app/id973654181 )
"Üben Multiplication" lets you practice multiplication tables or times tables.
The app is designed to be as simple as possible. This is great for children as it is super easy to use. The app generates a random task from 1x1 to 10x10. Enter the result and the app shows, whether it was correct or not. If it was not, the correct solution is shown, so one can try to remember it for the next time.
For support please send an e-mail to support@admadic.com .
Üben - Addition - 1+1
by admaDIC / Rainer Schwarze
Link to App Store page: Üben - Addition ( http://itunes.apple.com/app/id977015764 )
"Üben Addition" lets you practice addition.
The app is designed to be as simple as possible. This is great for children as it is super easy to use. The app generates a random task from 1+1 to 10+10. Enter the result and the app shows, whether it was correct or not. If it was not, the correct solution is shown, so one can try to remember it for the next time.
For support please send an e-mail to support@admadic.com .
Üben - Rounding
by admaDIC / Rainer Schwarze
Link to App Store page: Üben - Rounding ( http://itunes.apple.com/app/id977015764 )
"Üben Rounding" lets you practice rounding.
The app is designed to be as simple as possible. This is great for children as it is super easy to use. The app generates a random task with a number from 1 to 1'000'000 to be rounded. Enter the result and the app shows, whether it was correct or not. If it was not, the correct solution is shown, so one can try to remember it for the next time.
For support please send an e-mail to support@admadic.com .