admaDIC IT Solutions & Digital Media

Üben - App Privacy Policy

List of Apps

This privacy policy applies to the following apps:

Data Storage

All data collected by the Üben apps is stored on the device. The data may be stored on other systems too depending on the settings for cloud storage or backups using iTunes or similar methods.

Data Use

The data collected by the Üben apps is solely used for statistical purposes on the device. These statistics are shown to the user of the app. This data can be erased by a tapping a button in the app, usually in the statistics screen.

Collected Data

Apps without EEG HeadSet

The Üben apps present tasks to the user which have to be answered. As an example a task may be "4 x 6" which represents the multiplication of 4 times 6. The answer given by the user is either correct or wrong. The apps store statistical information about the correctness of answers for tasks or groups of tasks.

Apps with EEG HeadSet

Some Üben apps can be connected to an EEG headset. Such a connection is made between a headset and a device (iPhone or iPad) by Bluetooth. The headset provides the app with certain data for instance "attention" levels or "meditation" levels.

Data collected from EEG headsets is stored together with other statistical data on the device. When statistical data is erased in the app, the EEG related data is erased too. | | Legal Notice and Trademarks | Privacy
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Last Change: Oct 11 15:14:18 2018 GMT